Course description
This self-defense seminar trains easy-to-learn and highly effective cutting and punching techniques.
Survival according to the BAD PRINCIPLE:
In the extreme short distance, the seminar participant learns to react in a situation-related, fast, aggressive and effective manner.
In order to survive ECQB situations, it is necessary to master the handling of the backup weapon, the combat knife.
Private individuals looking for an effective method of self-defense in an emergency are right at this seminar.
Criminals who often rate the female sex as the weaker sex will literally experience their "blue miracle" after women master these techniques.
This seminar is physically and mentally challenging. The participant must be physically and mentally resistant.
This seminar is suitable for:
a) the professional sector:
Law enforcement
PMC - Private Military Contractor
High Risk Civilian Contractor
High Risk Close Protection Operator
Employees in the security service
b) the beginners and advanced:
General self-defense (SV) - especially suitable for women.
Survival prepper, bushcraft
Practical training
The HRT Universal ECQB knife & tools fight is specifically designed to fight extremely dangerous enemies in narrow spaces.
For self-defense, we use the combat knife as well as other means at our disposal that are useful to eliminate the opponent.
The techniques have their origins in the Philippine knife fight and have been modified by the HRT Academy especially on ECQB basis.
They are extremely effective, and if necessary, deadly for the enemy.
Generally, the knife & tools fight consists mostly of close-fitting, flowing cuts, punctures and strokes.
These techniques can also be used very effectively with various other items.
Firearm, a backup weapon, a combat knife, a kubotan, similar items, a feldspar, a combat tomahawk, a machete, a flashlight, a handy iron rod or a wooden stick, glass bottles, a hammer, a screwdriver, pliers, a pen,a key chain, a wrench, a spanner etc.
The seminar participant learns at the HRT Academy simple, universally applicable techniques for self-defense.